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Sivir TFT Build Set 9.5: Comprehensive Guide to Items and Comps [Pro]

Hey there, I’m Zathong, and this guide will take you through Sivir TFT Build Set 9.5. Get ready to dive into Sivir’s abilities, items, team compositions, synergies, and overall stats.

Sivir TFT Build

Sivir TFT Abilities

[Essential Read: Top 10 Most Powerful Champion in TFT Set 8.5]

Sivir TFT Items

The top-notch item choices for Sivir in Teamfight Tactics are Giant Slayer, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Last Whisper.

[Essential Read: TFT Best Items for Each Champion Set 8.5]

Sivir TFT Comps

Recommended Position:

Best comps for Sivir in Teamfight Tactics are:
5 InfiniTeam + 2 Spellslinger + 2 Ox Force + 2 Defender + 2 Sureshot
4 Sureshot + 3 InfiniTeam + 2 Aegis + 2 Defender + 1 Ace

[Essential Read: TFT Comps Set 8.5]

Sivir TFT Synergies


At the beginning of combat, any champion placed on an InfiniTeam portal summons an alternate version of themselves with different items, one for each Augment owned.

The copies have reduced Health and damage.

  • 3 – 1 portal opens, 40% damage and 40% HP.
  • 5 – 2 portals open, 55% damage and 55% HP.
  • 7 – 2 portals open, 90% damage and 90% HP.


At the start of combat, Sureshots gain bonus Attack Damage now and every 4 seconds.

  • (2) +6% Attack Damage.
  • (3) +10% Attack Damage.
  • (4) +16% Attack Damage.
  • (5) +22% Attack Damage.

Sivir TFT Augments

You can obtain 2 Sivir Augments: Time and a Half, and Mana Tempering.

Sivir TFT Rolling Chances

Sivir can be acquired at level 3.

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[Essential Read: TFT Rolling Chances Set 8.5]

Sivir TFT Counter

I’ll guide you through the champions that are Weak, Strong, and Good when paired with Sivir in TFT Set 8.5.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
Ashe, Jinx, LucianEzreal, Samira, Kai’SaFiora, Garen

[Essential Read: TFT Counter Set 8.5]

Sivir TFT Guide

Teamfight Tactics is a strategic game where you assemble a team of champions to challenge other players’ teams. Winning in Teamfight Tactics entails thoughtful planning, strategy, and a touch of luck.

I have 7 tips that will significantly enhance your chances of securing victory with Sivir:

  1. Make sure you grasp the game mechanics, such as purchasing, upgrading, positioning, and effectively utilizing items for Sivir.
  2. Building a robust team is vital for success in TFT. Look for synergies with Sivir and strive for a well-balanced team comprising tanks, damage dealers, and support champions.
  3. Pay close attention to other players’ strategies and adapt your own accordingly. If you notice a surge of Sivir usage, consider pivoting and exploring alternative strategies.
  4. Maintain a balanced spending strategy, focusing on champions and leveling up, while also saving gold for future rounds.
  5. Position your tanks at the front line to absorb incoming damage, and position damage champions at the back to maximize their output.
  6. Experiment with combining items to create potent synergies for Sivir.
  7. Remain flexible and adaptable, willing to alter your strategy or team composition as circumstances dictate.

Sivir TFT Stats

  • Health: 550 / 990 / 1782
  • Mana: 50
  • Armor: 20
  • Magic Resistance: 20
  • DPS: 49 / 88 / 158
  • Damage: 65 / 117 / 211
  • Attack Speed: 0.75
  • Critical Rate: 25%
  • Range: 4
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[Also, Check Out: TFT Tier List, TFT Items Build, TFT Champion]

By providing you with this comprehensive guide, I aim to ensure you have the knowledge and understanding to excel with Sivir in TFT Set 9.5. Good luck and have a blast on the battlefield!

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