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All Altars of Lilith locations in Hawezar in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 introduces a long-awaited feature to the series: collectibles. In this installment, players can explore the zones of Sanctuary, including the region of Hawezar, and discover stone statues of Lilith, the primary antagonist and the Daughter of Hatred. What sets these Altars of Lilith apart from other video game collectibles is that they actually provide in-game benefits, such as bonus stats and Renown level progression for each region.

In this comprehensive guide, we will unveil the locations of all 34 Altars of Lilith in Hawezar. Whether you’re a completionist or simply looking to enhance your character’s abilities, this guide has got you covered. We have also included an interactive map that allows you to quickly pinpoint the locations you need to visit.

Northern Hawezar, #1-20

An annotated map of the first 20 Altars of Lilith in Hawezar in Diablo 4
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

Let’s start with the northern half of Hawezar, which borders both Kehjistan and the Fractured Peaks. Here are the details for the first 20 Altars of Lilith:

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#1: Umir Plateau — Savage Precipice

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 1st Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar grants all characters a +2 Willpower boost. You can find it just west of Zarbinzet, Hawezar’s capital city. Look for the altar concealed behind some brush next to a tree.

#2: Umir Plateau — The Fallow Tillage

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 2nd Altar of Lilith](×1080/1200×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar increases characters’ Strength by +2. Head south of the Earthen Wound dungeon and search for the hidden altar concealed behind some bushes, nestled against a rock.

#3: Umir Plateau — Faith’s Edge

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 3rd Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Intelligence by +2. Venture east of the Forgotten Cave dungeon and search for the altar tucked between two small waterfalls.

#4: Nymyr Highlands — Umir Plateau

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 4th Altar of Lilith](×1080/1200×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar increases characters’ Dexterity by +2. Journey just north of Zarbinzet and spot the altar beside a statue surrounded by candles.

#5: Crusader’s Monument — Monument to the Failed Crusade

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 5th Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar grants all characters an increase of +2 Willpower. Visit the Crusader’s Monument Stronghold, located in the northernmost area, and find the altar discreetly positioned behind a tree.

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#6: Dismal Foothills — Dismal Foothills

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 6th Altar of Lilith](×1080/1200×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar increases the maximum number of Murmuring Obols that characters can hold by five. Head southeast of the Light’s Refuge dungeon and locate the altar nestled against the cliffs, next to a tent.

#7: Dismal Foothills — Intruder’s Claim

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 7th Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Intelligence by +2. Journey east of the Heathen’s Keep dungeon and spot the altar situated on the long, wide path.

#8: Eriman’s Pyre — Eriman’s Pyre

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 8th Altar of Lilith](×1080/1200×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Intelligence by +2. Visit the Eriman’s Pyre area, adjacent to the Oblivion dungeon, and find the altar nestled in the dirt.

#9: The Writhing Mire — Tszava’s Slough

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 9th Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Strength by +2. Head to the west-most part of the swamp, south of the Fetid Mausoleum dungeon, and find the altar hidden under a tree branch.

#10: The Writhing Mire — Immurement of Thorns

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 10th Altar of Lilith](×1080/1200×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Intelligence by +2. Journey east of the Fetid Mausoleum dungeon, inside the swamp, and discover the altar hidden in a circle of dead trees.

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Southern Hawezar, #21-34

![An annotated map of the final 14 Altars of Lilith in Hawezar in Diablo 4](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This section of the guide will reveal the locations of the final 14 Altars of Lilith in Hawezar:

#21: Fethis Wetlands — The Devouring Moor

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 21st Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Strength by +2. Travel south of the Maugan’s Works dungeon to find the hidden altar concealed behind some trees.

#22: Fethis Wetlands — Diseased Embankment

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 22nd Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Willpower by +2. Head west of the Maugan’s Works dungeon and spot the altar concealed behind some bushes.

#23: Fethis Wetlands — Plains of Attrition

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 23rd Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Intelligence by +2. Explore east of the Forgotten Cave dungeon to find the altar nestled between two small waterfalls.

#24: Fethis Wetlands — Plains of Attrition

A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 24th Altar of Lilith
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Intelligence by +2. Continue south from Altar of Lilith #23 to find another altar leaning against a wall among some windswept trees.

#25: Toxic Fens — The Molting Shore

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 25th Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Strength by +2. Visit the shore west of the Leviathan’s Maw dungeon to find the altar resting against a rock.

#26: Toxic Fens — Reach of Adulation

![A map of Hawezar in Diablo 4, showing the location of the 26th Altar of Lilith](×1080/320×0/filters:focal(0x0:1920×1080):no_upscale()/
Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon

This altar enhances characters’ Dexterity

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