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Diablo 4 Race to 100: Winners and Leaderboard

The Diablo 4 race to 100 has already begun, and players have been eagerly preparing themselves to participate in the competitive battle to climb the top ladder of Immortals. This intense competition demands numerous efforts and a significant amount of time to keep up with the race and compete against top players worldwide.

What is the Diablo 4 Race to 100?

Diablo 4 official announcement

After the release of Diablo 4 beta access, Blizzard Entertainment made an intriguing announcement for diehard fans. Once the full access was released, the developers officially introduced the Race to 100. According to Blizzard’s forum rules, the first 1,000 players to reach level 100 on Hardcore solo mode will earn the “Tempered Champion” title in the game and have their battle tag engraved into an in-game statue of Lilith.

The race is not an easy feat, as players must reach level 100 at an extreme difficulty level. If a player dies even once before reaching the max level, they have to start all over again from the beginning. Despite millions of players attempting the race, only the first 1,000 will have their tags immortalized in the Sanctuary world. With each passing day, more players are securing their ranks on the leaderboard, leaving fewer spots for the rest and intensifying the competition.

Unfortunately, Blizzard Entertainment has not launched an official leaderboard to track players’ progress in reaching the max level. However, you can watch live streams of players competing in the race or visit for live updates on players’ progress and rankings.

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Race to 100 Winners

Top Winners

It’s hard to believe, but some hardcore fans have already completed the challenge and beaten the game in a remarkably short time. Famous Twitch streamer Rob2628 conquered the race in softcore mode with a robust barbarian build, investing around 54 hours of continuous effort to complete the journey.

In Hardcore mode, the first position on the leaderboard has been secured by another Twitch streamer, cArn. This achievement means that cArn will solidify his tag at the very top of Lilith’s statue. cArn_ is already renowned in the Starcraft and Dota 2 communities for his exceptional gaming skills. Wudijo, a dedicated Diablo player, secured the second rank with a Rogue build.

While the top positions on the leaderboard have already been claimed, the competitive battle is far from over, as there are still many slots left to be filled up to the top 1000 ranks. To stay updated with the competing community, you can follow the #Diablo4Hardcore hashtag thread on Twitter.

Additionally, most participants in the race are live streaming their progress on various platforms, so you can filter the participants through the Diablo 4 Twitch directory.

This concludes our discussion on the Race to Top 100 in Diablo 4. The winners are excited to overcome the challenge and have their names immortalized on the in-game statue. Keeping up with the race requires tremendous struggles, dedication, and time. If you’re also participating in the challenge, be sure to give it your best and enjoy the journey alongside the community.

Other than that, you can learn about all the classes in Diablo 4, including their merits and demerits. You can also explore other useful guides such as Diablo 4 best PvP classes, the best sorceress build, the best Druid build, and much more. Lastly, check out the Diablo Immortal Vs Diablo 4 Comparison guide to understand the differences between both games.

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