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Your Guide to VALORANT Maps

An Introduction to VALORANT Betting

VALORANT is a rapidly growing esports game that offers a wide range of tournaments for betting enthusiasts. From moneyline wagers to handicap bets, totals, and prop bets, there are plenty of options to choose from. To improve your chances of winning big, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the game. In addition to playing, you can also utilize resources like Mobalytics, ProGuides, and Skill Capped. Watching official livestreams on Riot Games, Twitch, and YouTube can also enhance your understanding of the game.

What Are VALORANT Maps?

VALORANT is a character-based tactical shooter where “Radiants” compete to detonate or defuse the Spike at different map sites. These sites serve as the battlegrounds where intense and high-stakes action takes place. Each map is set in a fictional location inspired by real-world coordinates and architecture, reflecting the culture of the country it represents. With unique lore and features, each map offers players the opportunity to showcase their creativity and strategic prowess.

What Makes Up a VALORANT Map?

Just like in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, VALORANT follows the traditional objective of planting or defending a bomb, known as the Spike. The maps are designed with three defending sites (A, B, and occasionally C) to encourage strategic play. To spice up the gameplay, teleporters, automatic doors, ziplines, and other elements have been incorporated into the map design. Ultimate orbs, located in neutral territories, provide agents with points towards their ultimate abilities, adding another layer of excitement.

How Many Maps are in VALORANT?

Currently, there are nine maps in VALORANT. However, only seven of them are part of the active pool, with one map exclusively available in practice mode. The maps are as follows:

  • The Range: Located in Venice, Italy (Practice Mode)
  • Bind: Set in Rabat, Morocco
  • Haven: Found in Thimphu, Bhutan
  • Split: Based on Tokyo, Japan
  • Ascent: Set in Venice, Italy
  • Icebox: Located in Bennett Island, Russia
  • Breeze: Situated in the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean
  • Fracture: Found in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
  • Pearl: Set in Lisbon, Portugal
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History of VALORANT Maps

VALORANT, previously known as Project A, was highly anticipated by FPS enthusiasts. When it was released, VALORANT offered four playable maps: The Range (a sandbox training map), Bind, Haven, and Split. As time went on, Riot Games introduced new maps, expanding the game’s map pool. Notable additions include Ascent, Icebox, Breeze, and Fracture. The most recent map to join the roster is Pearl, set in Lisbon, Portugal.

Current Active VALORANT Map Pool

With seven maps currently in rotation, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with each one to improve your chances of success in betting and gameplay.


Ascent, set in Venice, Italy, was one of the original maps at VALORANT’s launch. It features a large, open middle area with Spike sites A and B on opposing sides. Ascent’s unique mechanical doors enhance strategic play, as they can be triggered from inside the sites. The map is known for its balanced design, making it a favorite among players.


Located in Rabat, Morocco, Bind introduces teleporters to the VALORANT map pool. Instead of a middle ground, Bind offers two one-way teleporters that allow players to take shortcuts between A Short and B Short, as well as B Long and A Lobby. These teleporters offer opportunities for speedy rotations and sneaky flanks, adding depth to gameplay.


Haven, set in Thimphu, Bhutan, stands out with its three Spike sites. Defenders face the challenge of defending all three sites simultaneously, while attackers must navigate the garage, sewers, tower, and long halls to secure their victory. This three-site setup provides strategic opportunities for both defenders and attackers.

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Icebox, located in Bennett Island, Russia, initially received mixed reviews but has since been adjusted to improve gameplay. It offers horizontal ziplines and sites with verticality, providing players with a unique experience. Agents such as Viper, Sage, and Jett excel on this map due to its layout and various angles.


As the widest map in VALORANT, Breeze takes players to the tropical Bermuda Triangle. It features wide open spaces, long narrow halls, and unique elements like rope ascenders and mechanical doors. Changes have been made to make entering sites harder and defending sites easier, balancing the gameplay.


Fracture is VALORANT’s most unique map. Set in Santa Fe, USA, it introduces a different approach to defending and attacking sites. Defenders spawn in the center of the map, while attackers can access the sites through one of four quadrants via a one-way cross-map zipline. Fracture also offers four ultimate orbs, providing more opportunities for strategic gameplay.


Pearl, the newest addition to the map pool, is set in Lisbon, Portugal. This underwater city map features a compact and maze-like center, accompanied by wings that offer ideal long-range firing positions. With a two-site, three-lane layout, Pearl provides a traditional VALORANT experience without any dynamic elements.

The Range

The Range serves as a practice map, allowing players to hone their skills before jumping into battle. Located in Venice, Italy, it offers various modes, including Open Range, Shooting Test, Spike Planting, and Spike Defuse. Players can test different agents, explore their abilities, and try out various weapons.

Most Popular VALORANT Maps

VALORANT map popularity can change over time, especially after significant patches that impact gameplay. As of now, here are the most popular maps based on match data:

  • Ascent: 14.52% of matches (5,541 matches)
  • Haven: 14.40% of matches (5,497 matches)
  • Icebox: 14.36% of matches (5,483 matches)
  • Breeze: 14.28% of matches (5,452 matches)
  • Fracture: 14.24% of matches (5,437 matches)
  • Bind: 14.19% of matches (5,416 matches)
  • Pearl: 14.01% of matches (5,346 matches)
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Rotation of VALORANT Maps

To ensure variety in competitive and unrated play, VALORANT uses a weighted random or ticket system for map selection. This means that when you play a map, its chances of appearing in the next lobby decrease. Riot Games has considered adding a map selection feature similar to CS:GO, but concerns about discouraging players from existing maps, compromising competitive integrity, and increasing queue times have delayed its implementation.

However, Riot has made changes to the map selection process to increase map variety. The deterministic map system, introduced in Patch 4.04, analyzes the maps players have played in their last five games and removes any maps played twice. It then selects the least played map, offering a more diverse map experience.

In professional play, maps are selected through a pick-and-ban process. Teams alternate banning and picking maps based on their preference and seeding. Maps can only be played once across a match, ensuring teams must adapt and strategize accordingly.

Maps Removed from the VALORANT Map Pool

As the number of maps in VALORANT grew, some adjustments had to be made to the active map pool. Split was initially removed but has since made a comeback. Breeze and Bind were temporarily removed but may return in the future. These changes aim to keep the gameplay fresh and maintain a balance between variety and competitiveness.

Future of VALORANT Maps

Riot Games plans to release new VALORANT maps in six-month cycles, introducing one map per episode. Community feedback plays a crucial role in map development, with Riot implementing changes and quality-of-life improvements based on player input. Possible future additions include mirror or night-time maps, further enhancing the overall experience. As the map pool expands, adjustments to the active map pool for competitive and professional play may be necessary to ensure optimal gameplay.


VALORANT’s maps are a key component of the game, offering diverse and balanced environments for intense tactical gameplay. Each map has its own unique features and lore, allowing players to explore different strategies and showcase their skills. As Riot Games continues to refine and expand the map pool, VALORANT will undoubtedly offer exciting opportunities for both players and betting enthusiasts alike.

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