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Twisted Fate TFT Build Guide 9.5: Strategies & Tips for Success


Greetings! I’m Zathong, and in this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Twisted Fate in TFT Set 9.5. I’ll provide you with valuable insights on Twisted Fate’s abilities, recommended items, effective team compositions, synergies, and vital stats. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, this guide is designed to help you master Twisted Fate and achieve victory in Teamfight Tactics.

Twisted Fate TFT Abilities

Twisted Fate TFT Items

To maximize Twisted Fate’s potential in Teamfight Tactics, it’s crucial to equip him with the right items. The top picks for Twisted Fate include Jeweled Gauntlet, Adaptive Helm, and Giant Slayer. These items enhance his abilities and greatly contribute to his overall performance.

Twisted Fate TFT Comps

Discover the most powerful synergies and compelling compositions that perfectly complement Twisted Fate’s strengths. A combination of 7 Bilgewater, 2 Gunner, 2 Strategist, and 1 Reaver King has proven to be incredibly effective. Additionally, I will provide you with recommended positioning tactics to optimize Twisted Fate’s impact during battles.

Twisted Fate TFT Synergies

Unleash the true potential of Twisted Fate by harnessing the power of synergies. The Bilgewater synergy significantly increases damage inflicted by Bilgerats on enemies, storing it for a devastating cannonball strike. The Multicaster synergy allows Twisted Fate to cast his abilities multiple times, though with reduced efficiency.

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Twisted Fate TFT Augments

Gain a competitive edge by utilizing Twisted Fate’s versatile augments. Choose from two augment options: Ante Up and Gear Shift. These augments provide unique advantages that can greatly influence the outcome of battles.

Twisted Fate TFT Rolling Chances

Are you eager to recruit a powerful Twisted Fate for your team? Understanding the rolling chances is essential. I will guide you through the probabilities and the optimal level to increase your chances of acquiring Twisted Fate.

Twisted Fate TFT Counters

Every champion has their strengths and weaknesses, and Twisted Fate is no exception. Discover the champions that are weak against, strong against, and work harmoniously with Twisted Fate in TFT set 9.5. This valuable information will enable you to make informed decisions during gameplay.

Twisted Fate TFT Guide

Mastering Teamfight Tactics requires strategic planning and adaptation. To excel with Twisted Fate, I have compiled seven essential tips that will give you the winning edge. From understanding game mechanics to creating powerful combinations and adjusting your strategy, these tips will help you dominate the battlefield.

Twisted Fate TFT Stats

Understanding Twisted Fate’s stats is vital for effective gameplay. I will outline his health, mana, armor, magic resistance, ability power, DPS, damage, attack speed, critical rate, and range. With this knowledge, you can optimize Twisted Fate’s performance and make informed decisions during battles.


In this guide, we have covered everything you need to know to become a Twisted Fate expert in Teamfight Tactics. Remember to adapt your playstyle, experiment with different compositions, and utilize Twisted Fate’s unique abilities to outmaneuver your opponents. Now, go forth and conquer the battlefield!

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[Also, Check Out: TFT tier list, TFT items build, TFT champion]

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