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How to Counter Yorick: A Comprehensive Guide


Yorick, known as the Shepherd of Souls, is a formidable champion in League of Legends. His ability to summon ghouls and control the battlefield can make him a challenging opponent to face. However, with the right strategies and understanding of his abilities, you can effectively counter Yorick and come out on top. In this article, we will dive into the intricacies of playing against Yorick and provide you with helpful tips to dominate the top lane.

Understanding Yorick’s Abilities

Yorick’s kit revolves around his passive ability, Shepherd of Souls, which allows him to summon ghouls from enemy and ally corpses to aid him in combat. His Q ability, Last Rites, empowers his next basic attack, while his W ability, Dark Procession, creates a wall that traps enemies. Yorick’s E ability, Mourning Mist, deals damage and slows enemies. His ultimate ability, Eulogy of the Isles, summons the Maiden of the Mist to assist him in battle.

Countering Yorick in Lane

To counter Yorick in lane, it is crucial to maintain distance and avoid getting trapped by his W ability. Engaging when his ghouls are on cooldown will give you an advantage. Additionally, building sustain and defensive items can help you withstand his damage over time.

Champions Strong Against Yorick

Champions with good wave clear and ranged abilities tend to fare well against Yorick. Teemo, Vayne, and Jayce can poke him from a distance, making it difficult for him to engage. Additionally, champions with mobility, such as Fiora or Riven, can quickly dodge his abilities and outmaneuver him in fights.

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Prioritizing Targets

While it may be tempting to focus on killing Yorick himself, prioritizing his ghouls is crucial. The ghouls deal a significant amount of damage and can overwhelm you if left unchecked. By eliminating his ghouls, you reduce his overall threat and increase your chances of winning trades.

Avoiding Yorick’s Traps

To avoid getting trapped by Yorick’s W ability, stay vigilant and be aware of his positioning. Keep an eye on his movement and the positioning of his ghouls. If you see him preparing to cast his W ability, try to sidestep or use a mobility ability to dodge it. Champions with dashes or blinks can use these abilities to escape the wall.

Dealing with Yorick’s Ultimate

When Yorick has his ultimate, the Maiden of the Mist, exercise caution. The Maiden can deal a significant amount of damage and can turn the tides of a fight. Try to focus on killing the Maiden first, as she can be a nuisance if left unattended. Engaging in fights when the Maiden is not present will give you a better chance of success.

Building Against Yorick

Building armor against Yorick is generally more effective since his ghouls deal physical damage. However, if you are facing a Yorick who heavily relies on his E ability, which deals magic damage, building some magic resist can be beneficial. It is crucial to assess the situation and adjust your build accordingly.

Shutting Down Yorick in the Late Game

To shut down Yorick in the late game, coordinate with your team and focus on eliminating him quickly in team fights. His split-pushing abilities can be devastating if left unchecked. Applying pressure in other lanes and forcing team fights can prevent Yorick from effectively utilizing his kit.

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Playing against Yorick requires careful positioning, awareness of his abilities, and effective utilization of your champion’s strengths. By employing the strategies outlined in this article and understanding his kit, you can overcome the challenges posed by the Shepherd of Souls and emerge victorious in the top lane. Remember to prioritize eliminating his ghouls, stay vigilant to avoid getting trapped, and coordinate with your team to shut him down in the late game. Good luck on the Summoner’s Rift!

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