
Side Effects Galore: A Guide to Playing the Game

Released earlier this year, “May Cause Side Effects” may have slipped under your radar. This competitive card game puts players in the shoes of scientists and challenges them to think outside the box in order to emerge victorious.

What is May Cause Side Effects?

You might expect “May Cause Side Effects” to be similar to games like Cards Against Humanity, Mafia, or Werewolf. However, this game stands out as a unique experience. While it can be played with just two people, it is not particularly well-suited for this player count. It is recommended to have an even number of players, with a minimum of four participants. The game is designed for players aged 13 and above. Once the teams are formed, the fun can begin.

During each round, players choose a trial card, as well as a red and blue pill card. The trial card contains a variety of words, each marked by a different color. One player will then select a word and act it out for their teammates to guess. Here’s the twist: each player also has a red and blue pill card, which adds a challenging side effect to their performance. For example, they may have to flex their muscles while speaking or do star jumps. To make things even more exciting, teammates have only 40 seconds to guess the word. After both teams have completed five rounds, the scores are tallied up, and the champion is declared.

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That’s a brief overview of how this thrilling and competitive card game works. But there’s still more to discover. Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll need to play.

What You’ll Need To Play

To embark on your “May Cause Side Effects” adventure, you’ll need a game set. Locating a physical copy in a toy or game shop may prove challenging for some, but purchasing one online is a straightforward option. The game comes in two versions: a circular, pill-like box or a standard boxed version. Both contain the same cards; the only difference lies in the packaging. When you open the box, you’ll find a multitude of cards awaiting you.

Initially, this might seem overwhelming, but fear not. Understanding how the cards function is simpler than you might think. To help you get started, we’ve provided a breakdown of the cards and their roles.

Trial Cards

With “May Cause Side Effects,” you’ll receive a set of 100 trial cards. Each card features five different words, each highlighted in a distinct color. Your task is to choose one of these words and creatively act it out for your teammates. While you can still communicate verbally, you’re not allowed to utter the word on your card. For example, if your word is “dog,” you could woof, mention famous dogs from movies or TV shows, or employ other creative tactics to help your teammates guess the word.

Pill Cards

Included in the game are 100 pill cards, divided into red and blue groups. Each player must take two pill cards in addition to their trial card. These pill cards introduce side effects that make acting out your trial card even more challenging and entertaining.

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Rules and Gameplay

The Aim of The Game

While “May Cause Side Effects” is undeniably a fun party game, the competitive spirit might still come into play, and players will naturally strive to emerge victorious. To win, you must collaborate with your team and guess as many trial cards as possible. The game consists of five rounds for each team.

The Set-Up

Before any cards are dealt, the first step is to form teams with an equal number of players. Once the teams are established, one player shuffles the cards thoroughly before dealing. Each team receives five red pill cards and five blue pill cards, dealt face down in front of them. You will also need a timer for each round. A stopwatch or a timer app on your phone will suffice.

Once all the preparations are complete, the player who most recently visited a doctor will be the starting player, determining the team that goes first. With everything set, let’s dive into the gameplay.

The Gameplay

Each round in “May Cause Side Effects” follows the same pattern. During their turn, one player from each team selects a trial card and chooses a word from it to act out. They also draw one of their previously dealt pill cards.

Every player must take one pill card of each color. Using the word on their trial card as a guide, the player has 40 seconds to act it out for their teammates. They must also incorporate the side effects indicated on their pill cards into their performance. If the player’s teammates can correctly guess the trial card word within the time limit, their team wins the round and earns a point. The other team then takes their turn, and the cycle repeats itself.

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Both teams will have five turns each, and the player acting out the trial card changes every round. At the end of the game, the points are tallied up. The team with the highest score emerges victorious. In the event of a tie, the game concludes in a draw.

Two-Player Rules

While the standard gameplay remains unchanged, there are slight modifications for two-player games. Instead of having a teammate guess, the opposing player will try to decipher your performance. If they succeed, they earn a point, and vice versa. However, each player must still draw a red and blue pill card on their turn and carry out the corresponding side effects.

May Cause Side Effects – A Unique Guessing Game

“May Cause Side Effects” is a delightfully fun card game that we wholeheartedly recommend. With its science experiment theme, the game offers a unique and charming experience that is sure to provide hours of enjoyment.

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