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The Continuing Brilliance of the ‘Potion Seller’ Guy


There’s something about the phrase “Potion Seller” that brings an immediate smile to the faces of millennials. The viral video, titled “Potion Seller,” created quite a stir when it was published back in 2011. In just 3 minutes and 8 seconds, it captured the determined quest of an unnamed knight in search of the Potion Seller’s strongest concoction. The video featured Justin Kuritzkes, who brilliantly portrayed both the knight and the Potion Seller using the magic of a distorting Photo Booth filter.

The Birth of an Internet Sensation

To our delight, the mastermind behind the famous video is still creating equally wacky content with the help of that beloved Photo Booth filter. What started as a late-night creative outlet for Kuritzkes, while he was a senior in college working on his thesis, soon became an unexpected viral sensation. Originally, he made these videos for his friends, casually sharing them on their Facebook pages. Little did he know that his quirky creation would eventually capture the hearts of millions.

The Accidental Discovery

During the production of the original video, Kuritzkes stumbled upon a happy accident that would become his signature style. By simply shifting his face, he could effortlessly transform into a different character. This unintentional discovery made it easier for him to bring these characters to life, as he found himself morphing into someone new with each shift. It added a dynamic element to his performances that resonated with audiences.

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The Unforgettable Battle

In “Potion Seller,” the valiant knight desperately seeks the Potion Seller’s strongest potion in preparation for an epic battle. However, the parsimonious Potion Seller staunchly refuses, convinced that his potent concoctions are only meant for the strongest beings. The resulting clash between the two characters is both comical and memorable. It’s no wonder that this video quickly became a shared experience among friends.

From Dorm Rooms to Internet Fame

After achieving moderate success within his circle of friends, “Potion Seller” languished in obscurity for some time. But fate had something else in store for this gem. Two years after Kuritzkes graduated, someone stumbled upon the forgotten video and posted it on Reddit. And just like that, “Potion Seller” resurfaced, gaining over four million views and sparking an entire subreddit dedicated to its hilarity. Its influence even spread to Vine compilations, ensuring its place in the annals of internet humor.

The Comfort of Photo Booth Sketches

While Kuritzkes is an accomplished playwright, novelist, and R&B artist, he finds solace in creating these videos. They offer a sense of comfort and prevent him from taking himself too seriously as an artist. His genuine desire to connect with others through humor shines through in every sketch he produces. And his dedication to this quirky online presence is evident, as he never hesitates to include elements of his video characters in his other creative endeavors.

A Devoted Following

Kuritzkes has experienced recognition for his work on “Potion Seller” from both professional actors and teenage fans alike. This acknowledgment serves as a reminder to stay grounded and not to get caught up in the pretentiousness that sometimes accompanies artistic success. His fanbase keeps him in check, ensuring that he remains true to his own unique brand of comedy.

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Embracing the Unconventional

The reputation Kuritzkes has cultivated as the brains behind these bizarre Photo Booth videos is one he fully embraces. It serves as a reminder to himself and others that he is not limited by the constraints of conventional artistry. His debut album cover, featuring a pixelated black and white screenshot from one of his videos, is a testament to his commitment to his unorthodox style.

A Fusion of Writing and Performance

Although the characters from his videos do not make appearances in his plays or novels, Kuritzkes likens his writing process to the creation of a Photo Booth sketch. He conjures up a character in his mind and lets them speak, improvising monologues until he decides it’s time for someone else to interrupt them. This fluid and organic approach to storytelling is a reflection of his multifaceted talent.

The Legacy Lives On

While it’s unlikely that “Potion Seller” will be transformed into an epic trilogy, rest assured that Kuritzkes’ channel is a treasure trove of additional comedic delights. Thanks to his dedication and creativity, his hilarious rants and sketches continue to entertain and uplift audiences around the world. As long as there are smiles to be found, Kuritzkes will be there, ensuring that laughter remains an integral part of our lives.

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