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Best League Duo Finder Discord – Top 7

Solo queue in League of Legends can be a real gamble. It often feels like your fate is determined by the quality of your teammates and who can avoid “inting” the most. However, there is a way to gain an advantage even before the game starts and reduce the chances of your teammates ruining the experience.

Pro players and high-elo streamers consistently emphasize the importance of playing duo queue with a reliable teammate who can help carry the game with you. Luckily, there are several Discord servers that serve as perfect platforms for meeting new teammates and embarking on your duo-ranked journey.

#1 Duoo – The Best LoL Duo Finder Service Site


Discord Bot – Miko

Duoo stands out as the best duo finder Discord server because of its incredible Discord bot, Miko. Miko’s primary function is to swiftly and efficiently connect players with potential duo partners. This amazing helper provides a comprehensive profile of the teammate you wish to duo with, including their win rate, region, preferred lane, favorite champion, and other valuable information essential for finding the perfect duo partner.

Server Structure

Duoo’s server structure is designed to simplify your search for a duo queue partner. They have separate text channels for every major LoL region, making it easier to narrow down your search.

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Detailed Review System

One unique feature of Duoo is the specific text channel where players can submit reviews through Miko. These reviews offer extensive insights into a player’s performance as a duo partner, allowing you to rate them based on their level of play, attitude, communication skills, and toxicity.


Supports One Language

Duoo currently only supports English. So if you prefer communicating in a language other than English with your duo partner, you may need to consider alternative options.

#2 Turbosmurfs



Specific Duo Voice Channels

Turbosmurfs offers well-structured text and voice channels for players to meet potential duo partners. These channels are also region-specific, allowing you to easily find duos who play on the same LoL region as you.

Duo Review Reputation System

To foster a friendly and trustworthy community, Turbosmurfs has implemented a specific text channel where players can review their duos, assigning positive or negative reputation points.


Turbosmurfs provides not only a platform to find duo queue partners but also text and voice channels for almost every imaginable topic. So if you seek to engage in additional activities beyond duo queueing, this server has got you covered.


Smurf Community

Given its popularity among high-elo players and smurfs, Turbosmurfs Discord may have an issue with some players looking down on those in lower elo brackets. This can lead to uncomfortable situations for players seeking a positive duo experience.

#3 Baus’ Compatriots


Useful Discord Bots

Baus’ server stands out as a good LoL duo finder because they utilize Discord bots specifically designed for this purpose. They make use of Duoo’s Miko bot, which connects new duos effortlessly. Additionally, they have a dedicated text channel for LFG (Looking For Group) and LFD (Looking For Duo) posts, allowing players to easily find each other.

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Layered Verification

Before being able to interact with other players, join voice calls, or participate in discussions, you must complete a short verification process that ensures the legitimacy of users. This process doesn’t take much time and helps protect the server, increasing the chances of finding a good duo partner.


Inaccessible Channels

Although you unlock most features of the server upon completing the verification process, there are still many channels that remain locked and are only accessible to moderators and contributors.

Trolls and Memers

While Baus has successfully built a decent LoL community, as one of the biggest content creators, his server has attracted a fair share of trolls and griefers. Their presence can potentially disrupt your duo experience.

#4 The Gathering Palace

The Gathering Palace


Profile Customization

Upon entering The Gathering Palace for the first time, you will go through a series of questions designed to understand your playstyle and preferences. By the end of this survey, you will have a completed profile with public roles that describe your interests, making it easier to connect with potential duos.

Friendly, Monitored Community

The majority of The Gathering Palace’s player base is friendly and approachable, making it easy to make new friends. The server’s moderators actively monitor and address inappropriate behavior, ensuring a safe environment for everyone.


The Gathering Palace looks out for its members by frequently hosting giveaways where you have the chance to win Nitro boosts or other Discord-related prizes.


No Duo-Specific Voice Channels

While there are text channels designed to connect players with each other, there is a noticeable absence of specific voice or text channels dedicated solely to duo queueing.

Harsh Guidelines

The effective moderation at The Gathering Palace has its advantages. However, some moderators occasionally take their power too far, banning or restricting players without a valid reason.

#5 Empire



Empire boasts an exceptionally well-structured server with dedicated channels for almost every topic imaginable. This includes text and voice channels specifically for finding players interested in duo queueing.

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Social Events

Empire regularly hosts social events such as video chat rooms and movie nights. These events primarily focus on connecting new duo queue teammates and fostering friendships between players.


Insufficient League Orientation

While variety is generally welcomed on servers, too much variety can divert focus from League for players actively seeking duo teammates. This can result in a reduced number of League-related channels.

Lack of Moderation

Despite having a friendly community, Empire suffers from a lack of active moderators monitoring potential trolls and scammers.

#6 Z League

Z League


Large Community

Z League is one of the largest duo finder Discord servers, providing more opportunities to meet potential teammates. The server’s size also offers a wide range of text and voice channels dedicated to various topics.

Active Moderators

Z League enforces a zero-tolerance policy towards trolls and toxic players, resulting in a heavily moderated server. This ensures that the server is populated by friendly players who carry that positive attitude into League matches.


Lack of Duo Finder Channels

Despite its size and numerous text/voice channels, Z League noticeably lacks channels specifically devoted to duo queueing or LFT (Looking For Team). This can be frustrating as you have to search for teammates in general discussion channels or directly message them.

Too Much Variety

While the server’s size is typically a positive aspect, in the case of Z League, it suffers from too much variety. Supporting multiple games besides League of Legends makes it challenging to narrow down your search and find the perfect duo.

#7 LOL Reddit Discord


Preference Adjustment

The creators of the r/lol’s Discord server have designed a system that allows players to pick topics they’re interested in before joining. This layout facilitates finding duo voice/text channels and connecting with other players seeking duos.

Very Active

As the official server of the Lol subreddit, Reddit League’s Discord has a massive membership base. With hundreds of new players joining every day, you will never run out of new people to meet.


Extremely Toxic

Since many members join directly from Reddit, it’s not surprising that some players in this Discord can be toxic.

Strict Rules

Upon joining, most voice/text channels will be locked. This inconvenience means that you can’t communicate with potential teammates right away. You must complete a set of tedious verification tasks to gain access to these channels.


Members of this Discord often look down on those who have just joined and lack the fancy roles that are earned over time.

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