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Best Bot Lane Duos in LoL (Updated for Patch 13.16)

Are you struggling to find the most powerful bot lane duos in the current meta? Look no further! We have compiled a list of the top-performing and popular pairings for Patch 13.16.

Best Bot Lane Duos for Patch 13.16

When playing League of Legends solo queue, there may be occasions when you team up with a friend or partner. Duo queue has become a popular strategy for players looking to increase their chances of victory and climb the ranked ladder more quickly.

This strategy is particularly effective for bottom laners, as it allows them to take advantage of the synergy between their chosen champions and communicate effectively to dominate the enemy and gain an advantage in the game.

If you’re unsure which pairings are currently the strongest, we have created a comprehensive list of the best bot lane duos for Patch 13.16. We will discuss the key strengths of each duo, providing valuable insights to help you achieve more victories.

Draven – Blitzcrank

Our first recommended bot lane duo for this patch is Draven and Blitzcrank. While this combo is well-known, they have been highly successful as a counter to other popular pairings in the current meta.

Draven’s high early-game damage, combined with Blitzcrank’s pick potential from his hooks, make it nearly impossible for opponents to play comfortably during the laning phase. Just one successful hook can result in the enemy champion being obliterated by Draven’s axes.

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The only challenge with this pairing is that the Draven player must possess exceptional mechanical skill, and Blitzcrank must be quick to punish any slight mistakes made by the enemy team. This is why these two champions are not as frequently played as others.

Xayah – Rakan

Moving on to another highly synergistic duo, we have Xayah and Rakan. With recent nerfs to other meta ADC champions, Xayah has once again risen to prominence as one of the strongest marksmen in the game. And there is no better partner than Rakan by her side.

The kits of Xayah and Rakan complement each other perfectly, offering a balanced combination of engage and disengage tools. Additionally, their recall interaction provides a strategic advantage during the laning phase, enabling them to optimize recall timers and return to the lane more efficiently, especially when paired with favorable wave states.

As long as there is good coordination between the two players, a Xayah-Rakan pairing guarantees success, regardless of the current meta or the champions’ individual states.

Ashe – Soraka

Ashe has been one of the most popular ADCs in the current patch. One of her primary strengths, aside from her inherent power, is her ability to synergize with a wide range of support champions, ranging from aggressive supports to enchanters. This versatility makes her an extremely flexible pick in champion drafts.

Among the various partners and ADCs that can take advantage of Ashe’s poke and kiting potential, Soraka has been increasingly favored, boasting incredibly high win rates (over 55 percent in nearly 50k matches, according to U.GG).

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Soraka, an enchanter support, excels at peeling for Ashe and compensating for her lower mobility, ensuring that she cannot be burst down by enemy champions. Additionally, Soraka provides additional tools for poking and harassing in the laning phase, which is crucial for establishing lane priority and gaining an advantage for potential early rotations.

Despite the Trinity Force nerf, Ashe remains a significant user of this Mythic item, and with Soraka’s presence, she shines during team fights. However, it is important to note that both champions are squishy and lack mobility, so be cautious of potential enemy ganks. Use smart wave management and maintain strong vision control to avoid overextending.

Miss Fortune – Rell

The final bot lane duo we recommend for this patch is Miss Fortune and Rell. These two champions possess incredible synergy, particularly when they both have access to their respective ultimates. Rell provides reliable engage and the ability to catch multiple enemies with her ultimate, setting up Miss Fortune perfectly for her Bullet Time. This combo is incredibly potent and has the potential to turn the tide of the game, regardless of whether you are ahead or behind.

Furthermore, Rell has an array of crowd control abilities that can also be used defensively to disrupt enemies’ attempts to take down Miss Fortune. The only drawback of this combo is their relatively weak early game compared to other meta duos, so it is advisable to focus on short trades and harassment combos instead of engaging in extended 2v2 skirmishes.

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Read more: LoL Tier List (Patch 13.16)

With these top bot lane duos, you’ll have the competitive edge you need to dominate the bottom lane in League of Legends. Stay tuned to our site for more updates on the ever-evolving meta.

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