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White Out Survival: The Ultimate Guide for Surviving Snowstorms (2023)

White Out Survival is an immersive and captivating strategy survival mobile game that stands out from the rest. Released in 2023, it plunges you into an icy wilderness, where your mission is to lead a group of survivors, rebuild civilization from the frozen ruins, and brace yourself for the oncoming snowstorms. In this article, we will share essential tips and tricks to help you navigate the treacherous snowstorms and establish a thriving settlement.

Tips and Tricks for White Out Survival

1. Scout for New Building Slots

New building slot in White Out Survival
In White Out Survival, you won’t find a typical building menu displaying available buildings and ongoing constructions. Instead, you need to be vigilant, constantly searching for new building slots in the Furnace area of your city. After every Furnace level upgrade, new building slots become available. Therefore, promptly check the area once you’ve upgraded the Furnace and initiate the building process.

2. Be Prepared for Snowstorms

White Out Survival snowstorm countdown and requirements
Surviving snowstorms should be your top priority in White Out Survival. These storms occur cyclically, so adequate preparation is crucial. To brave a storm, you must fulfill certain requirements before the countdown ends. These requirements typically involve producing specific amounts of supplies and upgrading your Furnace to a certain level.

What if you fail to meet the requirements?

Failing to complete the requirements will subject your city to the ravages of the snowstorm, resulting in severe damage to your production buildings and the potential loss of survivors. On the other hand, successfully meeting the requirements before the storm hits will earn you generous rewards.

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3. Optimize Your City’s Warmth Overnight

City losing heat in White Out Survival

How to increase City’s warmth
In White Out Survival, temperatures plummet at night, jeopardizing the warmth and well-being of your survivors. To combat this, maximize the capacity of your Furnace throughout the night. Simply access the Furnace, and enable the “max Power” option to keep the heat flowing. Remember to disable it during the day to conserve valuable resources like Coal.

4. Prioritize Basic Needs of Your Survivors

Survivors' health bar dropping
Ensuring the satisfaction of your survivors’ basic needs is vital for their overall well-being. If any of their needs drop too low, they may fall ill or become discontented, resulting in a decline in resource production. Here are the five main needs and how to improve them:

  • Warmth: The level of warmth directly correlates with the Furnace’s level and the capacity at which it is operated.
  • Fullness: Enhance this need by upgrading the Hunter’s Hut and the Cookhouse level, as well as selecting better meal options from the menu.
  • Sleep Quality: Provide enough beds and optimize the temperature within their shelters. Upgrading Shelters and adding sleep-related amenities like beds, desks, and rugs will optimize sleep quality.
  • Comfort: Upgrade comfort-related features in each shelter, such as washbasins, to enhance comfort levels.
  • Mood: Keep your survivors entertained by upgrading bookshelves within each Shelter.

5. Focus on Chapter, Growth, and Daily Missions

How to access Chapter, Growth, and Daily Missions

Chapter, Growth, and Daily Missions
As a beginner in White Out Survival, prioritize completing Chapter, Growth, and Daily missions. These missions offer valuable rewards that speed up the city-building and upgrading process. Initially, you’ll have access to Chapters and Growth missions. Once you reach Furnace level 7, the Daily missions tab becomes available.

  • Chapters: Embark on the game’s campaign, consisting of multiple missions. Completing each chapter unlocks the next, and you receive additional rewards at the chapter’s conclusion.
  • Growth Missions: These missions focus on your heroes’ development. Main missions generally reward Gems, while Side missions provide items to upgrade heroes and units.
  • Daily Missions: Engage in activities that yield resources like Wood, Meat, Coal, and Iron, and earn Activeness points. Accumulate Activeness points to unlock chests and claim rewards. Access missions by tapping the paper scroll icon in the bottom-left corner.

6. Recruit and Upgrade Heroes Strategically

Heroes ready to be upgraded
Heroes in White Out Survival possess unique skills that enhance resource gathering, building production rates, and defense against invaders. Promptly recruit and upgrade your heroes, investing resources to maximize their potential. Reserve Hero XP items for Epic or Legendary heroes, as they offer the most powerful abilities.

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7. Optimize Work Stations for Maximum Efficiency

Assigning survivors to Work Stations
Ensure a harmonious balance between survivor population and available work slots. Verify if any survivors are resting by checking the user head icons. If any are, tap the plus icon on relevant buildings to assign additional workers. If no survivors are resting, consider constructing more shelters or upgrading existing ones to accommodate surplus workers.

8. Select Superior Meals from the Cookhouse

The Cookhouse Stove, accessing the menu

The Cookhouse, choosing a better meal
Enhance survivors’ Fullness by choosing superior meals from the Cookhouse menu. The default meal is the basic and affordable Healthy Gruel. However, as your city progresses, consider opting for the second or third options, such as Nutritious Meal or Fancy Meal. To change the default meal, enter the Cookhouse, select the Stove, and choose your desired meal. Be mindful that upgrading the Hunter’s Hut and Cookhouse is essential, as premium meals consume more Meat.

9. Personalize Your Chief’s Name and Avatar

Changing the chief name

Changing the chief avatar
Stand out and leave a lasting impression on fellow players by customizing your chief’s name and avatar. Changing your name for the first time rewards you with 400 Gems, making it a worthwhile endeavor. Initially, the first name change is free, but subsequent changes will require spending 400 Gems. However, changing your avatar is free. Select an avatar from the available gallery or upload a personal image (subject to review and a one-upload-per-three-days limit). To make changes, tap your default avatar, click the pen icon, and input your desired name.

10. Harness the Power of a Farm Account

Create a White Out Survival farm account to significantly boost your resource productivity. Utilize it to support your primary account, accumulate resources, and periodically transfer them to your primary account through repeated attacks. Establishing a farm account is relatively straightforward and provides a substantial advantage.

11. Increase Exploration Idle Income

Exploration level 120 idle reward

Exploration level 120 combat example
Engage in the captivating Exploration feature of White Out Survival, where you create a squad of up to five heroes to battle various PvE enemies across different stages. Periodic encounters with tougher, boss-level enemies provide an additional challenge. Exploration also grants idle income, currently comprising Iron and Hero XP, which are notoriously scarce resources. Accumulate idle income for up to seven hours, and watch the reward amount steadily increase as you progress through difficulty levels.

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12. Collect Offline Income Regularly

Similar to the Exploration idle reward, White Out Survival offers offline income that accumulates during the working period of your survivors. This offline income includes resources and contentment stars, which can be used to activate perks in the Chief’s House for a limited time. Remember to collect your offline income promptly, as it accumulates for a maximum of 12 hours.

13. Unlock the Second Building Queue

Unlocking the second building queue
Boost your progress in White Out Survival by unlocking the second building queue. Investing 1000 Gems grants you this queue for two days. Building two structures simultaneously proves advantageous and justifies the cost. Alternatively, consider purchasing an affordable premium pack for permanent access to the second queue.

14. Claim System Rewards

Mail System rewards in White Out Survival
Keep an eye on the in-game Mail System, particularly the System folder, for occasional free rewards. These rewards, often triggered by Furnace level-ups, major updates, or maintenance periods, typically include Gems, Hero XP, and other crucial items. These messages are identifiable by a small gift box icon. Check your System folder regularly to claim these valuable rewards.

15. Increase Your VIP Level

As in most strategy mobile games, the VIP system in White Out Survival offers key benefits that accelerate your progress. Aim to reach the maximum VIP level of 12, as each level unlocks additional perks, enhancing productivity and overall advancement. Increase your VIP level by spending Gems or purchasing premium packs. Additionally, claim daily VIP XP rewards from the chest atop the VIP page, albeit in small amounts compared to the necessary XP for each VIP level.

16. Join or Create an Alliance

Consider joining or creating an alliance to expedite your progress in White Out Survival. Alliance membership grants bonuses and opportunities for collaboration with other players. Participating in alliance-related events and PvP activities yields remarkable rewards. Access this feature by reaching Furnace level 7. Creating an alliance incurs a cost of 400 Gems if your Furnace is below level 10. However, joining an alliance for the first time rewards you with 200 Gems.

17. Consistently Sign In for 7-Day Rewards

The 7 days login rewards
Signing in consecutively for seven days in White Out Survival yields magnificent rewards, including a substantial resource bundle and a legendary hero named Molly. Additional rewards throughout the week include 10 Gold Keys, 15 Molly shards, and an exclusive gear widget for Molly, the Yeti Spirit. Maintain your streak by signing in consistently to claim these rewards. Missing a day will reset your progress, necessitating you to start from day one again.

Final Thoughts

Implementing these White Out Survival tips and tricks will propel your progress through Furnace levels and snowstorms swiftly. Forge ahead, establish a resilient city, and conquer the challenges that lie ahead. Good luck!

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