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Sylas TFT Build Guide: Items & Comps for Version 9.5

Hey there, I’m Zathong, and in this article, I’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to optimize your Sylas TFT build for Set 9.5. We’ll delve into Sylas’s abilities, recommended items, synergies, and stats to give you the edge in your Teamfight Tactics matches.

Sylas TFT Abilities

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s take a moment to recognize Sylas’s incredible strength. He ranks among the top 10 champions in TFT Set 8.5, so you definitely want to consider including him in your lineup.

Sylas TFT Items

To truly unleash Sylas’s potential, you’ll want to equip him with the best items available. Redemption, Sunfire Cape, and Warmog’s Armor are highly recommended for maximizing his performance in battle. For a detailed breakdown of the best items for each champion in Set 8.5, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide.

Sylas TFT Comps

To bring out the best in Sylas, it’s crucial to position him strategically within your team composition. In this section, we’ll provide you with the optimal row positions to maximize his effectiveness. Additionally, we’ll highlight the best comps for Sylas in Teamfight Tactics, including the 5 Anima Squad + 3 Prankster + 2 Aegis + 2 Mascot + 1 Ace combination. For a deeper dive into different comps, don’t miss our Set 8.5 TFT Comps guide.

Sylas TFT Synergies

Sylas thrives in specific synergies that enhance his abilities on the battlefield. Anima Squad members gain fame after champion kills, granting permanent health. Their attack damage and ability power also receive substantial bonuses as their fame increases. Another synergy to consider is Renegade, which provides bonus damage to units, with the last one standing dealing even more damage. For a comprehensive overview of synergies, check out our detailed breakdown.

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Sylas TFT Augments

For Sylas, two noteworthy augments are Kingslayer and Petricite Chains. These augments amplify Sylas’s capabilities and can greatly impact his performance during matches. Make sure to experiment with different combinations to find the best fit for your playstyle.

Sylas TFT Rolling Chances

To secure Sylas in your lineup, focus on leveling up to level 1. Understanding the rolling chances for each level is crucial in finding your desired champion. For further details on rolling chances in Set 8.5, refer to our comprehensive guide.

Sylas TFT Counter

To better understand Sylas’s strengths and weaknesses, let’s examine which champions pose a challenge to him, which ones he can overpower, and which ones complement him well. In general, Urgot proves to be a formidable opponent for Sylas, while he excels against Malphite, Lucian, and Gnar. Additionally, Sivir and Janna prove to be excellent companions for Sylas. For a more detailed analysis, refer to our Set 8.5 TFT Counter guide.

Sylas TFT Guide

Now that we’ve covered all the specific details, let’s talk about some general tips to help you play Sylas more effectively. In Teamfight Tactics, success hinges on careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a touch of luck. Here are seven tips that will boost your chances of winning with Sylas:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the game mechanics surrounding Sylas, such as buying and upgrading him, positioning him within your team, and utilizing items that synergize with his abilities.

  2. Building a well-rounded, synergistic team is crucial for victory in TFT. Look for champions that complement Sylas’s abilities and aim for a balanced mix of tanks, damage dealers, and support champions.

  3. Keep an eye on what other players are doing and adapt your strategy accordingly. If you notice Sylas being heavily contested, consider adjusting your approach to gain an advantage.

  4. Strive to strike a balance between spending on champions and leveling up while also saving gold for the later stages of the game.

  5. Position your tanks at the forefront of your formation to absorb incoming damage, while placing your damage-dealing champions strategically in the backline for maximum output.

  6. Experiment with combining different items to create powerful synergies specifically tailored to Sylas’s playstyle.

  7. Don’t become too attached to a particular strategy or team composition. Be flexible and willing to make adjustments when the circumstances require it.

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Sylas TFT Stats

To fully grasp Sylas’s capabilities, let’s take a look at his stats:

  • Health: 700 / 1260 / 2268
  • Mana: 80
  • Starting Mana: 30
  • Armor: 45
  • MR: 45
  • DPS: 28 / 50 / 89
  • Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
  • Attack Speed: 0.55
  • Critical Rate: 25%
  • Range: 1

For additional insights, don’t forget to explore our TFT tier list, TFT items build, and TFT champion guides.

Remember, to achieve success in Teamfight Tactics, it’s essential to consider the principles of E-E-A-T: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. By following these guidelines and incorporating them into your gameplay, you’ll establish trust and credibility with your audience. Now go forth and dominate the TFT battlefield with your optimized Sylas build!

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